Ames Fitness Center

New Year, New You Contest!

By Madeline Smith, ARFC Personal Trainer

Are you currently in an weight loss rut or hesitant to even begin a weight loss program? Sometimes the mind is the largest barrier to successful health. Many people are plagued with negative perceptions of successful weight loss that they find themselves in a rut wondering where to go and what to do next. If this is you, have comfort knowing that you are not the only one. Many people face misconceptions about losing weight.

“I need more willpower.”

If you aren't seeing or experiencing the results you expected are putting all of the burden on yourself to just try harder? Sometimes weight loss is not about going at it harder, it’s about working towards your goals smarter. If you have been participating in the same workout program for weeks or months, we have a solution for you.

Successful weight loss is not just about going harder because the human body will only go so hard before it adapts to a physical challenge and plateaus. The key is to keep your body confused. Are you an avid walker? Try intervals of walk, jog, sprint for a couple of minutes during a workout. Do you enjoy the elliptical? Go hit up the weights or take a specialty class on how to properly lift. If you are already a high intensity interval trainer with the goal to lose weight, take the pressure off of your body every now and then and go for a long easy jog or walk; let your body recover and give your sympathetic system rest. Balance is key when it comes to exercise. If you would like more advice on how you can improve your workout regime or if you are looking for more motivation, use your two complimentary personal training sessions.

“I can't eat the foods I like anymore.”

You can still eat the food you enjoy, just in moderation. The best way to avoid constant temptation to eat unhealthy food, pick one day a week to have a “cheat” meal where you eat whatever you want. When you are craving unhealthy food, try to find a fruit or vegetable of similar color or texture that will help you satisfy that craving. Additionally, cravings typically indicate that your body is needing a specific vitamin or mineral. Refer to Food Cravings: What Your Body Is Telling You to reveal the root of your cravings.

“There is a quick fix.”

The most difficult part about weight loss is that there is no quick fix. Weight gain happens over time so losing it will not be fast either. Healthy weight loss is about 1-­2 lbs a week. In fact, most people who exercise during a weight loss program will actually go through a period where they gain weight because they are replacing fat with muscle, and muscle is more dense than fat. In this case, gaining weight is a good thing! In fact, to put a most positive spin on weight loss; place the focus on fat loss and muscle gain rather than the number on the scale. Society puts a value on the number on the scale, but we no longer have to live within those bounds because you can’t put a value on a strong, functional body.

“I will never succeed so why bother?”

Who says you won’t succeed? What is your definition of success? If you think you can’t succeed, it might be time to reevaluate your goals. There is nothing wrong with setting a goal of losing 100 lbs, but when it isn’t broken down into reasonable segments, then the end goal is daunting. By breaking down your goals into smaller chunks, you will experience the sweet taste of victory and success more often.

Set up a rewards system for yourself. For example, for every week you workout at least 3 times you put $10 aside towards buying yourself a new clothing item. At the end of the month, you will have $40 for something that helps you feel and look good.

Lastly, people are usually much harder on ourselves than they should be. Find a support system that will celebrate success even when you can’t see it. Make a contract with a friend, spouse, partner, or co-­worker to find ways to encourage one another and actively find things to celebrate together. Accountability and encouragement will carry you further than you could have imagined.