Ames Fitness Center

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All summer programming will start Monday, June 3 at Inis Grove Park.

 Academy Categories

Orange felt balls bounce higher and move faster than the red felt or foam balls, but lower and slower than the green ball. They are a step toward the traditional yellow tennis ball while still remaining fun and manageable for players learning the game. Courts at this level are 60 feet by 21 feet for singles and 60 feet by 27 feet for doubles. The net is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.

After Orange, the next level is Green. The green ball is very similar to the traditional yellow tennis ball, but with a slightly lower compression so it rebounds lower off the court after a bounce. The green-level court is the same dimension as the traditional yellow court: 78 feet by 27 feet for singles and 78 feet by 36 feet for doubles. The net is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.

The Yellow level is what most people know as traditional tennis. The balls, courts and racquets at this level are used in the majority of adult matches and at the professional level. That means the court size is the same as at the green level: 78 feet by 27 feet for singles and 78 feet by 36 feet for doubles, with a net that is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.

First Strike Academy
This program is for junior players who can play points, know scoring and the rules and can play a match. Players will learn strategy, and continue to learn proper techniques and some conditioning to improve footwork and endurance.

Email [email protected] for more information.