Loren Yarrow
When I started my fitness journey at the age of 14, I had no idea how profound of an impact it would have on my life. We often think that being fit is a choice- a choice between doing and not doing, but being fit is so much more. Fitness is a lifestyle, no matter what physical, intellectual, and or spiritual endeavor you dedicate yourself to, there are endless ways to be able to achieve your dream physique or lifestyle. All you need is some grit and a burning desire to better yourself to become the best version of yourself. I have always believed that if there is a will, there is a way and I am here to help guide your efforts to effectively transform your lifestyle into one that is conducive to your goals. Always remember that it is NEVER too late to start, you got this!
Make an appointment with Loren today! Call 515-232-1911 or e-mail johnm@amesracfit.com.